
  • One-component, polymer-modified
  • Application by hand and wet or dry spraying
  • Resistant from pH 3.35 to pH 14
  • Very high chloride resistance
  • Open to water vapour diffusion
  • Impermeable to water and resistant to permanent water exposure
  • Class R 4 according to EN 1504 part 3


  • Surface protection of concrete-, reinforced concrete- and prestressed concrete components (new and existing constructions) in sewage structures
  • Suitable for rain spillway basins, primary and secondary sedimentation basins, activated sludge tanks, sand traps, screen structures, sludge thickeners, digestion towers (sludge zone)
  • Suitable for exposure to XD 1-3, XS 1-3, XF 1+3, XA 1-3 and XWW 1-3
  • Certified according to EN 1504 part 3 for principle 3, procedure 3.1 and 3


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